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ludovic vialla

ludovic vialla

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ludovic vialla ludovic vialla
Articles : 9
Depuis : 25/08/2007
Categorie : Maison, Déco & Bricolage

Articles à découvrir



During the second turn phase, each player receives cards depending of their position on the scoring track. These cards can be used during the round to do actions or kept for next turn. Stephane show us some design secrets he has with the Egyptian princess. The drawing is scanned and leaned on a monochromic layer being used as a basis for the skin c


Cover An early drawing of the upside of the box. The city which is not drawn yet, will be visible outside the windows and on the king’s table. The top of the box, nearly finished : only few details are missing...


Monuments When there are three princes of the same civilization controlled by the same player in a district, this civilization takes over the area and the player puts the corresponding monument on a base bearing his colour.


Figurines Each player moves his figurine on the scoring track around the board.


Guest Pawns At the beginning of each turn, the guest pawns are picked randomly and positioned on the board according to their island of arrival. A symbol allows to identify each of the 4 islands on the pawn: the fish, the salamander, the ibis and the serpent. Princes Pawns Pawns represent princes that each player places and moves in the city. Each
Player aid

Player aid

Player aid Each player owns a card which sums up all actions he can do during his turn. Blue example Sea move With an action card, a player can move one or two princes of the same civilization of a maritime quarter (identified by a boat) towards another maritime quarter. These two quarters must be in the same maritime sector or in two adjacent sect


Wonders When five princes, one of each civilization, controlled by the same player are together on the same island, the player puts a wonder on a base bearing his colour, in the middle of that island.